My Blog
This is meant to be a weekly blog where I discuss articles I've read, podcasts I've listened to, or write down general thoughts. I am most interested in evolutions in technology, e-sports, and the VC/PE world. I will also occasionally write about other topics that occupy my attention, like the upcoming Avenger movie or Star Wars series. I can shamelessly admit that I am not as knowledgeable as any partner at a VC fund or even most bloggers, thus my writings will be mostly reactionary. Feedback and criticism are more than welcome, and you can reach me here.
I also have a running list of companies that I'd like to see built and funded. You can find it here.

May 20, 2020
Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital
This is the most complicated book I've read in a while, and these notes are my attempts to understand what I'm reading. This is an ongoing piece that will contain my initial thoughts before I write a summary after finishing the book.

December 19th, 2019
The End of Skywalker
As many of you know, I'm a huge Star Wars fan but strongly disliked the Sequel trilogy. I wrote this article before Episode 9 came out in an attempt to give it a fair shake. I cover my main issues with Episode 8, what I'd like to see resolved in Episode 9, and how they could redeem the series.

December 14th, 2019
Make Posting Great Again Part 2
As Facebook has announced they will be testing removing likes globally, I explore how they could improve their implementation.

September 5th, 2019
The Bear Case for Peloton
Peloton is the latest of many 'tech' companies to announce an IPO. In this article I argue why it is not a technology company, and why they actually fail to differentiate from other home fitness products.

August 26th, 2019
Singularity6 and the Future of Social
Andreesen Horowitz recently lead the Series A investment in Singularity6, a game developer that is looking to create the future of social through gaming. I talk about why they taking a page out of Ready Player One's playbook could lead them to the promised land.

August 14th, 2019
Make Posting Great Again
For the last few years I've felt my need/desire to post on social media steadily decline. I attempt to explain why I (and others) have experienced this, what Facebook could do about it, and how to measure the success of my idea.

August 1st, 2019
How to Fight Climate Change
My submission for the Economist Open Future competition. I claim that technology is the key to making progress, starting with the regulation of climate deniers. I examine previous examples of public pressure causing political and economic change, and use them as a template for future change.

July 13th, 2019
My Review of Ramen in Japan
Those of you who know me know that I love ramen. So when I got a chance to go to Japan for a week, I had to check out some of the best spots. This is my review and ranking of the places I tried in Japan.

July 4th, 2019
Pro view And Esports' Competitive Advantage Pt. 1
I examine why Pro View is a sign that Esports is finally ready to move beyond the status quo, why streaming the NBA should upset you, and what the future of streaming could look like.

June 27th, 2019
Coach K Talks to Citadel
My notes and thoughts from listening to Coach K talk to Citadel securities. The talk spanned team standards, a winning mindset, and excellence.

June 23rd, 2019
Esports and Venture Capital
From social media to SaaS companies powering the modern workplace, Venture Capital and the Valley have build the platforms that have changed the world. It's time for VCs to take a serious look into esports as an investment. I write about how the market fits Scott Kupor's power-law curve, the total addressable market, and potential ways to invest.

June 10th, 2019
My Esports Position Paper Pt. 4
Sex sells, we all know that. Video games is about as unsexy as it gets. But it keeps growing at an accelerated rate. The fourth part of my position paper series attempts to predict the future of esports by breaking it down into six core components.

May 19th, 2019
My Esports Position Paper Pt. 3
Take a guess on what is the most valuable form of entertainment. Is it the music industry? What about the movie industry, since Endgame has broken all the records? Or maybe it's television, since it seems everyone and their mother is talking about Game of Thrones... The simple answer is no, and it's not even close. I explore the largest form of entertainment, and why it is only driving marketing dollars now.

May 12th, 2019
My Esports Position Paper Pt. 2
Part 2 of the series details my thoughts on the digital native generation and how it has been and will be absolutely essential for the growth of esports in the future.

May 11th, 2019
My Esports Position Paper Pt. 1
I've wanted to write about esports for a while, but felt like I needed to write a position paper from which my future articles will be based off of.

April 7th, 2019
Apple as a Portfolio Company
Apple has recently announced a bevy of new services, and it reminds me of a private equity pivot. This is my take on how Apple's new strategy could provide the innovation that they recently have lacked.

April 1st, 2019
The Marvelous Reason I Cannot Die
Freddie Mercury is gone, the new Star Wars universe is in shambles, and the Back to the Future hoverboards are four years late. But for one reason, I can't die yet...

March 24th, 2019
Tesla and the Future of Locomotion
What separates Tesla from other traditional car companies? Do they have enough of a competitive advantage to separate themselves from Waymo and Cruise? This blog draws inspiration from Ben Evans' Tesla, software and disruption and explores why I believe there is an impending oligopolisitic revolution in the transportation industry.