Jan 2020
How to use incentives to create a better, more profitable club.
This is a completely reimagined version of an experience at a bar/club. Instead of a normal cover, people pay one fifth (1/5) of their Amazon wish list for the night. If your Amazon wish list totals to $500, you’d pay a $100 cover.
Upon entering the club, you receive a wristband tied to your wish list that allows for NFC payments. When someone wants to buy you a drink, instead of purchasing the drink they purchase something off of your wish list for you.
Those that are confident that others will be willing to buy them more expensive things from their wish list will ‘gamble’ more by paying a higher cover. For instance, if you put a Macbook Pro on your wish list, you’d have to pay a $400 cover.
Instead of people leaving with hangovers and nothing to show for it, at least the next day if you bought drinks you should theoretically end up with items that you wish you bought in the first place. Additionally, this incentivizes people to stick around for longer as they’ll run out of cheap options on their wish list, forcing suitors to buy the more expensive items.